Monday, June 16, 2014

Marathon Training: Wk 2

This is why we make buffer weeks, my friends. 

Marathon training started strong this week. It was week 2 and here is what my first few days looked like:

Monday: Strength training at the gym with lots of arm and ab work.
Tuesday: 3 mile run in the evening, 9:30 pace.
Wednesday: 5 mile run in the evening, 9:00 pace.
Thursday: 3 mile run in the morning, 8:40 pace.

But things did not go as planned. On Thursday, I got a call from AR. He was traveling with work and had to go to the emergency room. He felt sick after his morning run and wasn't feeling better. He ended up missing his flight home and getting an iv and pain medication at the hospital. 

AR came home Friday afternoon and was so so sick. He was on some serious pan medication and having trouble holding down food. Needless to say, I knew our Saturday morning run wasn't going to happen. Poor AR was feeling only slightly better on Saturday. We skipped the run and held out, hoping he would be well enough to run on Sunday morning.

My favorite running route in Atlanta
Sunday morning came and I was ready to run. AR got up, put his clothes on, and said "babe, I don't think I can run." He was right, it wasn't smart for him to run, he was in too much pain. So I figured I would go without him for my 9 miles and come back in an hour and a half for brunch.

Look what I found on our walk!

As I was putting on my shoes, I realized I didn't want to go without him. Running is our thing. We do it together. I'd be crushed if he went without me, so I couldn't go without him. So I suggested we grab coffee and go for a walk at the park. I'd rather spend time with him then complete a perfect marathon training.

We grabbed coffee and tool a long walk, getting 6 miles in on the Atlanta Beltline over about 2 hours. We chatted, laughed, and enjoyed the fresh air.

Love this view.
So did this weekend go as planned? No. Not even slightly. But relationships are more important than runs. AR and I built an extra week into our training for something like this. Next week we will be stronger :)

Have you ever had to go off the plan?
What do you do when your running partner can't come with?



  1. Hope AR is feeling better!!! Sounds like he was pretty sick :(


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